HouSe of LeAVeS

PROJECT RAGLAND ("House of Leaves")
BeGiN DaTe: April 2005
PaRTneRs iN CRiMe: Amy Ackman, Michael Breeding, Tom Garwood, Erica Minton
aLsO cOnTRiBuTiNg: Bradley Garwood, Ryan Garwood

Friday, April 21, 2006

just let 'er go


You might notice that the better part of a year has passed since I last blogged about my darling HouSe oF LeaVeS. The house has been sold-- because of some... trouble... with dad's business partner, I think we just about broke even on the house, instead of making a major profit like I think we'd all hoped.

But money aside, the house rocked hard. We made major changes and I miss it so very very much. I know dad had "final" pictures of the house but he has yet to upload them, so when/if he ever does, I'll do a final blowout post so you can see all the alterations we made.

Thanks for sticking with the blog and I'll let you know when we start a new house!


At 4:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks to Google Reader, I know exactly when you update. Even if it's a year. I'm looking forward to the new photos.

At 5:17 PM, Blogger Erica said...

breaking even is better than nothing. can't wait for pictures!


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