HouSe of LeAVeS

PROJECT RAGLAND ("House of Leaves")
BeGiN DaTe: April 2005
PaRTneRs iN CRiMe: Amy Ackman, Michael Breeding, Tom Garwood, Erica Minton
aLsO cOnTRiBuTiNg: Bradley Garwood, Ryan Garwood

Friday, June 17, 2005

Been a long time, been a long time...

Yeah, long time no post. Sorry. I have been without a real computer. I've had no photo posting capabilities, and I haven't been to the HoL in a while because of my job. BUT... the computers have been all rigged up, so my first course of action... well, was a virus scan. But my SECOND course of action was to post your beloved pictures. So there. Enjoy.

Even more progress has been made since these were taken, but hey. It's better than nothing.

The house looks like a MONSTER. Posted by Hello

That stupid, immortal weed. Posted by Hello

It's starting to get home-y. Posted by Hello

Ain't it quaint? Posted by Hello

Walkway again. Posted by Hello

Pensive dad. Posted by Hello

Cooool. Posted by Hello

The gang's all here. Posted by Hello

Our little creek thing. Posted by Hello

Burn, baby, burn. Posted by Hello

So much depends on a red wheelbarrow.  Posted by Hello

Dad, Brad, and their beloved tiki torches. Posted by Hello

Weird Cincinnati tables we found. Posted by Hello

Instead of moving the timber, they just cut a path. Posted by Hello

The fire pit, as seen from the deck. Posted by Hello

The deck has been all cleared off.  Posted by Hello

See? No more shrubbery. Posted by Hello

A lot of crap has been cleared out from the driveway, too. Posted by Hello

That's a picture of the cactus-tree, looking up from the bottom. Posted by Hello

Another view of the sidewalk, and the stone pathway Amy had been working on. Posted by Hello

See how much clearer it is?  Posted by Hello

An even better view.  Posted by Hello

Michael and dad. Posted by Hello

You can see the house now!! Posted by Hello

The side of the house, minus all the vines, underbrush, et cetera.  Posted by Hello